Dégustation du boeuf bourguignon


Boeuf bourguignon.

Our May 2012 Daring Cooks’ hostess was Fabi of fabsfood. Fabi challenged us to make Boeuf Bourguignon, a classic French stew originating from the Burgundy region of France.

There are 2 other posts for the challenge :
Making the boeuf bourguignon shown here.
Alouette sans tête, variation.

Bring the stew. (Making of here)

Prepare simple garnitures with season ingredients : a classic boiled potato, green beans, Spring fava beans, a light puree of carrot and potato.

Serve with a few buttered croutons. And wine. The same as for cooking, or ideally something better.

Mizuna leaves for a closing meal salad. If you eat your greens, you’re saved !

You want to taste ? Well cook yours. The best I can do now :

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