Nikomi udon, a Winter soup meal

That’s a giant miso soup.

With a whole menu inside.
In Winter, the nabe (hotpot) is rarely absent from the Japanese table. Here is a casual style. “nikomi” means roughly a stew.

Udon are those thick square wheat noddles. Very white and melty. I’ve bought those fresh. Handmade… or footmade, I will explain you that someday, how to make noddles with your feet.

The ingredients are prepared in advance : tofu, konnyaku, carrot, cabbage. That could be many other things.

Start by making a dashi (fish broth DIY).
Boil the noodles 10 to 12 minutes, you don’t want them al-dente, on the contrary, the softer, the better they will absorb the flavors.
Add veggies on the way.
After 10 minutes add a little miso, the tofu, and egg white (in a spoon to try to keep it in a lump)…

… some glitter : yuzu citrus peel, dry chili and a slice of fresh ginger. Simmer 2 to 5 minutes.
Add the rest of miso, pass on lower heat.
Cover and let 2 to 5 minutes.

Serve very hot.

Final touch : egg yolk. I have cooked the white before. The yolk bring their creaminess to the broth.
If you still feel cold after that…

2 thoughts on “Nikomi udon, a Winter soup meal

  1. Pingback: Fêtes . Dinners of Holiday. Many IDs, change of style. « GOURMANDE in OSAKA

  2. Pingback: Gyoza miso nabe (relax hot pot). Step 2 : cook’n eat. « GOURMANDE in OSAKA

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