the scarlet dance of Alsatian cabbage

When a red cabbage meets a red apple, they start dancing…

Ball gown…




After a hot bath (in vinegared water), they go to bed, with fried onion and red wine.

You’ve slept long hours (in the oven). It’s time get up… and show your jewels (chestnuts).

Chou rouge aux pommes et marrons – Rotkrut mit Epfel un Keschte
Adapted from L’inventaire du Patrimoine Culinaire Francais, Alsace

A precious mouthful :

4 thoughts on “the scarlet dance of Alsatian cabbage

  1. Pingback: Fêtes . Dinners of Holiday. Many IDs, change of style. « GOURMANDE in OSAKA

  2. Pingback: Two festive sides with marrons | GOURMANDE in OSAKA

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