Menu Osechi (part 3) : a “savory” blanc-manger

The blanc-manger is on of the oldest dishes that exist. It was already popular in Middle-Age and was present as an entremet (litt : “between dishes item”) in all big meals. Most people know the dessert version.

Sakura blanc-manger

Back then, it was not a dessert, not necessarily sweet nor salty. Pomegranate was often a topping.

Look at inside this one… Can you see ? It’s fish. It is filled with cod.

It is made of rice, milk, almonds, spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, pink pepper, honey and salt… And it’s good !

Full Menu Osechic

5 thoughts on “Menu Osechi (part 3) : a “savory” blanc-manger

  1. Pingback: Menu Osechic (part 1) « Colorfood Daidokoro Gourmande in Osaka

  2. Pingback: Osechi Compilation : Opening the boxes | Colorfood Daidokoro Gourmande in Osaka

  3. Pingback: A “savory” blanc-manger (via GiO) « GOURMANDE in OSAKA

  4. Pingback: Fêtes . Dinners of Holiday. Many IDs, change of style. « GOURMANDE in OSAKA

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