Retro Christmas (2) Jambon en croûte aux marrons

CHAUD DEVANT ! Beware, I’m carrying hot stuff !
That’s the masterpiece of the meal. A rustic bake ham in a crust of soft and crispy bread.
Christmas ham is very old tradition. Middle-Age, or even before. In some places the baked ham or the baked ham pie has survived.

It is a very simple version with chestnut stuffing and buckwheat (plus wheat) bread. The luxury ingredient is the shallots. I find them very irregularly in Japan, and I stock them for French dishes.

The ham, shallots and chestnuts marinated with white wine and black pepper. The stuffing was stir-fried and flambe-ed with shochu liquor.

Packed !

Hot from the oven.

That really has a Christmas taste. Hot ham, melting sweet stuffing, soft bread… what more do you want ? The buckwheat brings a nutty flavor very pleasant.

3 thoughts on “Retro Christmas (2) Jambon en croûte aux marrons

  1. We are going to grow some buckwheat this summer, and I hope to make some bread, You know you could probably grow some shallots on your wee patio in a big pot, all you need is seed, sow them in the early spring! I love baked ham.. gorgeous! merry christmas in japan My! c

  2. Pingback: Fêtes . Dinners of Holiday. Many IDs, change of style. « GOURMANDE in OSAKA

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