Rehearsal of a light réveillon

No Thanksgiving here, but from now, and for one month, every night is a party in Japan. Bonenkai : funerals of the old year. Then every night will be a party. Shinnenkai : birth party of the new year.
This is an advanced French Christmas dinner, quite light. Lots of seafood.

Blinis (like here), to go with smoked salmon.

Hors d’oeuvre and greens.

Choucroute au Champagne et fruits de mer.

Yes, you’ve already seen a fishy Sauerkraut on this blog (click here to get there) :

Lighter beurre blanc.

You’ll read about the cookies and the buche (log cake) in other posts.

5 thoughts on “Rehearsal of a light réveillon

  1. Pingback: Bûche forêt noire « GOURMANDE in OSAKA

  2. Pingback: Fêtes . Dinners of Holiday. Many IDs, change of style. « GOURMANDE in OSAKA

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