Desserts de France…


Les crêpes !
Crêpes Suzette mandarineCrêpes boisettes (berry) Crêpes little sunCrêpes soufflées tropicales

More : crêpes compilation (sweet and savory)


Noël et Rois (Xmas and Kings) :
Pompe à l’huile (sweet fougasse)Nonnettes (fluffy gingerbread)Flocon de neige (snowflake cake)Nougat glacé (honey ice-cream) Galette des Rois (Kings’ cake)Galette des Rois au chocolat

More : Christmas dessert compilation


Les fruits !
Poire pochée au chocolat Baked pineappleFruity papilloteTartelette aux figuesPomme lampion (baked apple) Crémet aux fruits rouges


Classiques :
GénoiseCygne et choux (cream puffs and swan) MillefeuilleTarte au chocolat Religieuse (cream puff “nun”)


Regions :
Brioche de Pâques (Easter bread, Provence)Gâteau de Metz (retro chocolate cake, Lorraine)Croustade or Pastis aux pommes (apple pie, Gascogne) Millas (corn and pumpkin, South-West) Farz fourn (butter cake, Bretagne)


Coffee sunglassesGâteau truffe aux kumquatsWhite chocolate cinnamon apple cake Raspeberry choco-carob cake

More chocolate sweets.


Pets de nonne (‘farting nun’ carnival donuts)Mango coco millefeuilleStar anise mandarin chocolate tarte Crémet in mint sauceGâteau de la bergère (Shepherd’s cake made with potato) Petits flans a la betterave (sweet beetroot puddings)

More ? French dessert compilation.

Petit Jésus en brioche au safran, softy holiday pie

This dish screams : Christmas jingle bell…
It’s le Petit Jésus en culotte de velours (lit : Kid Jesus in velvet pants, which means a delight.)
Well, it’s le Petit Jésus in the sense of salami, dry sausage. A big one is prepared specially for Christmas Eve in Lyon and around, so it’s named le jésus .

gros jesus source wikipedia
Le « Jésus de Lyon » est le « cousin » de la rosette de Lyon. C’est un saucisson de grand diamètre, 10 cm. Il pèse environ 400 g et est réalisé à partir de viandes nobles triées et parées avec soin ; il fait l’objet d’une phase de maturation et d’affinage particulièrement importante pour la qualité gustative du produit fini. La matière première entrant dans la composition du produit est exclusivement de la viande et du gras dur de porc. Le Jésus de Lyon, pour être bien maintenu, est mis sous un filet qui donne une empreinte spécifique et une forme particulière de poire. Il doit sécher de longues semaines avant d’être vendu. On peut encore déguster un saucisson cru, ou à cuire. Truffé et pistaché le saucisson est bouilli avec des pommes de terre. Le saucisson brioché est un saucisson à cuire placé dans une pâte à brioche et cuit au four. Il se déguste sans accompagnement, coupé en tranches.
**** (they had not the English)****
The « Jésus of Lyon » is related to the “rosette de Lyon” sausage. It’s a large salami, 10 cm of diameter, about 400 g. It’s made of premium pork exclusively, specially aged during weeks. It is contained in a net that gives him a pear shape. It can be served raw, or cooked. With truffles and pistachio it’s boiled with potatoes. The “saucisson brioché” is baked in brioche dough. It’s eaten on its own, sliced.

I had a small one, a petit jésus. I baked it in buttery brioche.

OK, it looks like a yellow hippo… But the shape is secondary when it’s so yummy. The brioche is flavored with precious saffron.

This brandy tomato based sauce can be made more simply than the brown sauces. It’s even better.
Miam, miam…. it goes away very fast.

Fêtes . Dinners of Holiday. Many IDs, change of style.

A few ideas for holiday menus. Japan has a month to celebrate the end of the year with Bonenkai (funerals of the old year) parties. In other places, Yule, Noël, Xmas and New Year in many places. Add, yours…
I like trying different dishes and meal styles.

Take a hot cup of thé de Noël and enjoy :

Rétro Christmas, candlelight and rustic.

Simple appetizers.
Jambon en croute aux marrons (chestnut ham pie)
Provence’s style : 13 desserts of Christmas night
Nougat glacé (iced nougat)

Kani Nabe (crab hot pot)
Winter Japanese home parties are often nabe (hot-pots)
Japanese hot pot with Winter crab
Other nabe (hot pots) :
Nikomi Udon
Duck and veggie nabe

Noël blanc
Everything white, and French flavors…
Full Menu White French Christmas
Boudin blanc (white pudding sausage was little people’s Xmas treat, DIY)
Blanc-Manger (Middle-Age style, not a dessert)
Canard aux airelles (duck with cranberry sauce)
Gateau Mont-Blanc (coconut Antilles’ whiteness)

A Japanese Christmas menu
chicken and sesame cooking class
marmalade and sesame wings
chicken slices with wine sesame sauce
tofu with wine sesame sauce
decorative potato sarada. (pote sarada)
sesame fruit cake

Mexican Navidad, Tamales
pickles and chicken tamales
yellow grits tamales
tamale pie

Christmas ham, from the Antilles (French Caribbean islands).
Petit jambon antillais (pineapple baked ham)
féroce d’avocat (cod fish spicy guacamole)

Classic French
potage Choisy
Le poulet de Gaston – Dijon chicken (mustard sauce)
bûche aux marrons glacés
Douceurs de beurre et marrons…

Osechi Ryori, a feast of good luck dishes for Japanese New Year, with the recipes. Click here.

Alsace influence. French and light.
Full Menu
Blinis with smoked salmon
Choucroute de la mer (seafood Sauerkraut)
Bûche forêt noire Blackforest log Yule cake
Bredele (season cookies)

Petit Jésus en brioche…
About this one, posts showing up soon :
Colorful first dish
Saucisson en brioche au safran (salami saffron pie)
Red wine red cabbage in rice cooker. The same in cocotte.
Chestnutty no-bake croquettes
Flocon de neige (streusel flocken-sahne). Berry Flockensahne.
Black sugar Nonnettes Kaki nonnettes. Mandarin nonnettes.

Gourmande November round up

Sweet potato (satsuma imo), potato and persimmon (kaki) season is back.

That’s the album about most of my November meals : November eats. And for vegan menus here.

These are the main topics and visitors’ current obsessions :

Tian casserole with potatoes
Satsuma imo soufflées
Kakicannelle persimmon

Classic revival :
kneppes (Lorraine’s pasta)
roasted chicken
French fries
tarte orangette
simple tarte au chocolat (silky chocolate pie)

Nordic wave :

Mousse de saumon et pain polaire

Swedish bean balls

Plus :
polar bread shrimp wrap
mini buckwheat blinis salmon bites

American mood :

Natural yummy banana pudding

raw pumpkin pie

creamy pumpkin pie
Obama pizza
Chicago pizza


On the road to Christmas :
nutty truffles

Saint-Nicolas, Kurisumasu, Christmas, Noël on Pinterest

sesame Japanese Xmas

Christmas desserts

Kabocha forever

Steamed rice pudding and burnt kabocha.

Kabocha pumpkin on pinterest

kabocha and hijiki

kabocha mousse

Biscotti de Noël

They have a delicate flavor of mikan orange…

Remember I half-failed my Stollen (read here).

So it went from Stollen…

… to biscotti.

I simply sliced, sprinkled a little confectioner sugar and passed in the oven toaster (not too hot). And I had one more item for my Provence Christmas 13 desserts.