Desserts de France…


Les crêpes !
Crêpes Suzette mandarineCrêpes boisettes (berry) Crêpes little sunCrêpes soufflées tropicales

More : crêpes compilation (sweet and savory)


Noël et Rois (Xmas and Kings) :
Pompe à l’huile (sweet fougasse)Nonnettes (fluffy gingerbread)Flocon de neige (snowflake cake)Nougat glacé (honey ice-cream) Galette des Rois (Kings’ cake)Galette des Rois au chocolat

More : Christmas dessert compilation


Les fruits !
Poire pochée au chocolat Baked pineappleFruity papilloteTartelette aux figuesPomme lampion (baked apple) Crémet aux fruits rouges


Classiques :
GénoiseCygne et choux (cream puffs and swan) MillefeuilleTarte au chocolat Religieuse (cream puff “nun”)


Regions :
Brioche de Pâques (Easter bread, Provence)Gâteau de Metz (retro chocolate cake, Lorraine)Croustade or Pastis aux pommes (apple pie, Gascogne) Millas (corn and pumpkin, South-West) Farz fourn (butter cake, Bretagne)


Coffee sunglassesGâteau truffe aux kumquatsWhite chocolate cinnamon apple cake Raspeberry choco-carob cake

More chocolate sweets.


Pets de nonne (‘farting nun’ carnival donuts)Mango coco millefeuilleStar anise mandarin chocolate tarte Crémet in mint sauceGâteau de la bergère (Shepherd’s cake made with potato) Petits flans a la betterave (sweet beetroot puddings)

More ? French dessert compilation.

La mer. French sea dishes ( compilation)

Menu to navigate in the sea of French main dishes…

papillote de crystal saumon et pomélo (salmon papillote)
papillote de poisson (white fish)
papillote de poisson vanillée (vanilla fish)

Winter bouillabaisse
Summer bouillabaisse
aioli aux pommes de terre nouvelles (with cod fish)
bourride de limande et amaguri
fish cassoulet
choucroute de la mer (seafood Sauerkraut)

morue parmentière (cod and potatoes)
effeuillée de morue parmentière (cod and potato gratin)

calamars au vin (wine stewed calamari)
calamar à l’armoricaine (calamari stew)

carpaccio de daurade au pamplemousse (grapefruit marinated fish)
pétoncles à la nage (mini scallop soup)
ormeaux au beurre (buttered abalone)
salade tahitienne (Tahitian raw fish)
féroce d’avocat (avocado cod)

sole meunière
Mediterranean grilled fish
saumon vapeur aux algues (steamed salmon)
daurade flambée au pastis (anise baked fish)

Monthly pick, October in a pumpkin

That was a quiet month of October, with a come back of Autumn fruits (nashi pear, ringo apple, kaki persimmon, akebi, green yuzu lime…) and veggies (potato, sweet potato, oya-imo taro, , kuromame black beans, togarashi peppers…)
You can browse photos :

To see most menus last month (click)
To see mostly desserts
To see only vegan meals

Everything pumpkin was a hit, photo kabocha menu

Bread ::: Velouté of kabocha
erissery ::: risotto
okowa in kabocha ::: kabocha kibbeh
kabocha salad ::: kabocha pizza
tofu kabocha cake ::: samosa
tarte au potiron 1 :: tarte au potiron 2 :: tarte au potiron 3

And I made a few culinary trips :

To Brazil

++ Pão de queijo

To South-East-Asia

To Sweden

To France’s countryside :

I experimented a few pretty desserts :

apple pastis

pon de rin and millefeuilles

Croustade ou pastis, apples in froufrou

Some call it pastis, others say croustade, and it’s the prettiest apple pie.

The apples are longly macerated in rum and vanilla…

Isn’t it cute ? And it’s too delicious to take many photos…

And with cuts bits of dough, and leftover apple, there is a next day party :

A l’Est : la pichade

Pizza ? Nearly. It’s a red pissaladiere.
You have seen the white version last week. Then I wanted a red one.

If you love tomato, onions and bread, that’s the best thing under the sun and on the beach.

It’s little name is pichade (say “peesha”).

You can’t see the anchovies. They melt in the sauce.

I love the crust, so I trimmed it all around… later I reheated that square.