Pichade lazy


Tonight, a good pichade. Lazy because I was too lazy to walk to the shop and get yeast for the dough. And I used a machine…


Tchak, tchak…lots of onions.


In the home-bakery (the jam program).


On dough with 1/2 whole wheat flour, it is made with baking powder.


Baked. It’s different with yeast, but this version is nice too.


A l’Est : la pichade

Pizza ? Nearly. It’s a red pissaladiere.
You have seen the white version last week. Then I wanted a red one.

If you love tomato, onions and bread, that’s the best thing under the sun and on the beach.

It’s little name is pichade (say “peesha”).

You can’t see the anchovies. They melt in the sauce.

I love the crust, so I trimmed it all around… later I reheated that square.

Pissaladière d’aujourd’hui – Anchovy envy

What’s better on a hot Summer day than a good home-baked onion and anchovy tart ?
Today’s guest is the pissaladière from Provence.

Recipe and little history of the pissaladière

Onions from Awaji islands are in full season. They are so sweet…

I added rice bran to the dough. Olives ? Nolives, sorry, I had none in stock.

Just baked !

It goes wonderfully with pastis. Mine is not white because I don’t have enough liquor in it. The thing is humidity makes me both thirsty and weak to alcohol. So it’s flavored iced water.

That sweet fish bread, heritage from our Roman ancestors (French Pissaladiere)

The first is the eternal pissaladiere.
It’s one of the oldest food tradition we have. It doesn’t look so pretty, maybe it doesn’t even taste good for foreign taste buds, but it’s acquired taste of more than 2000 year ago.
So millions of new dishes can be created beside, but I don’t want that recipe to be *improved”, like I don’t want the pyramids of Egypt to be renovated with high-tech glass panels replacing the stones. It came to us unchanged 2000 year, I wish that in 2000 years, it will still exist, unchanged, and people can do “culinary tourism”.

When the area became a Roman port, bread-making was introduced or developed. Fish sauce (something like nuoc nam, nam pla…) was omnipresent standard in Roman cuisine, they called it garum. On the Cote d’Azur, they already had anchovies stocked in brine. That was the “pissalat” (litt : salty fish). A pissaladiere is a “pissalat bread”.
Tomatoes where not known, but later in certain places they added them to the pissaladiere.
So you can have in Nice’s style “white” pissaladiere (the real one), and in Monaco’s style “red” pissaladiere.
I like both. I won’t decide…

Let the dough raise 30 minutes.

Anchovie in brine, drained, pasted.
If you are not in the area, it’s difficult to find anchovies in brine. Here, it’s impossible. In some stores, you can buy “anchovy sauce” that is pissalat. Otherwise, I think that anywhere :

Compote d’oignons
The onions are very sweet, because they are cooked longly into onion jam. No sugar is added. What I did is nearly a sabotage- I was starving- only 50 minutes of cooking in olive oil… the Provencal grannies slice very finely their onions and let them on the stove several hours, the day before. Ideally, start the onion when you start making the dough. 2 hours is well.

Then let the mix cool. Add the anchovies pasted (keep a few for display), and herbs, fresh or dry.

Nice… Monaco.

I bake it like bread not pizza. Pre-heated oven, at 220 Celsius, about 30~40 minutes.

With a little glass of “rose” ?

It’s more “amber”… it’s a Japanese wine actually. I didn’t remember I had it, and I was cleaning my closets and found it. I didn’t remember it was so “corse” (strong ? deep ?), but the pissaladiere is “corsee” too, so they got along well.

The whole :
Cal : 777 F20.3g C122.8g P24.7g