Brioche pascale. Baking my nest.


In advance on the season, I’ve already eaten 2 brioches de Pâques(Easter sweet bread).


Yes, the quail eggs are baked with the brioche.
My brioche is an arranged (simplified) version of this recipe (in French).


Easter eggs, old fashioned and modern style.
Tips to color the eggs.
For yellow : boil them with turmeric.
For yellow : boil them with the outer peel of onion.
For yellow : boil them with kushinashi (gardenia bulbs) yellow food coloring.
For yellow, it’s easy. For other colors, good luck ! Food coloring doesn’t work all times. Spinach doesn’t work.


Breaking the eggs…


Pissaladière d’aujourd’hui – Anchovy envy

What’s better on a hot Summer day than a good home-baked onion and anchovy tart ?
Today’s guest is the pissaladière from Provence.

Recipe and little history of the pissaladière

Onions from Awaji islands are in full season. They are so sweet…

I added rice bran to the dough. Olives ? Nolives, sorry, I had none in stock.

Just baked !

It goes wonderfully with pastis. Mine is not white because I don’t have enough liquor in it. The thing is humidity makes me both thirsty and weak to alcohol. So it’s flavored iced water.

Wet pleasure of a pan bagnat

This is not an ordinary sandwich. It’s wet bread. Pan bagnat in Provence.

First bake cute pan bagnat special buns.They have to be round and as big as your stomach.

Prepare raw veggies, boiled egg and fish like a salade nicoise.

Cut a bun, wet the inside with olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper. A branch of basil. Fill the sand. Wrap well. Go to work in the fields… No ? To the beach then. To your office. Wherever, but I think they are better when they have stayed in the sun.
At lunch time, you’ll get a delight… Flavors. Wetness.

Zoom on Miss de Nice

What’s better in this season than a good salade niçoise ? I made bonito fish in oil and selected the gems of the market this week…

the real story of the salade niçoise

Roooh the vegetables ! Raw and young only. Yellow zukes, green cukes, fevettes (baby favas)…

Simply great !