About yuzu, tofu, Hokkaido hotate (scallop sashimi) and tender green

A fresh light lunch full of subtile flavors.

That’s the meal, presented the Japanese way, all the dishes on the table. But you don’t un-French yourself ever, so there is an order to eat this.

The first dish is the tofu. It’s not ordinary tofu, but yuzu tofu. It is flavored with juice of yuzu citrus. That’s fresh, and light. The texture is different, a little on the side of jello, but not much. It is served with soy sauce.

I added shichimi togarashi, the Japanese 7 spice mix.

Then the sashimi of scallops, with wasabi and soy sauce. It’s the main dish.

The salad : Shredded cabbage and red sweet pepper. The dressing is
ponzu and you get ponzu by mixing soy sauce and the juice of the citrus of your choice. I used the juice that escaped when I cut the fruit below and the leftover of my soy sauce.

The dessert. It’s not a yuzu , it’s not a no-yuzu. Well, they created this type of edible yuzu. The original yuzu is full of seeds, so its juice and rind are used as flavoring but you cannot it the flesh. Then it’s quite sour. This one is sweet, and it has a yuzu flavor. There are a few seeds. They call it natsu-muki ( in direction of Summer). Yeah, let’s go…