Milking your almonds… (home-made almond milk)

Recipe in pictures – Recette en images.



Express home-made almond milk :

Preparation time :
2 minutes (waiting at least 15 minutes before remixing is recommended)

Tools :
a blender, a coffee filter

Ingredients :
15 g of almond powder
1 ts of honey (7g)
1 cup of water
ice cubes
vanilla essence, bitter almond essence, orange blossom water (your choice, or nothing)

Put the almond powder, honey and water in the blender. Mix. Wait a few minutes. Add the ice cubes, if you want a cool drink. Mix a second time.
You can use it that way, it is slightly powdery in taste, but for cooking, adding to cereals, it’s OK. For a more milk drink, pass it through a coffee filter. I add the grounds to some other food (cookies, bread, pesto, spice mix or to thicken a sauce).

Remarks :
-Raw sliced almonds, raw whole almonds with the peel or not can be used but they need longer rehydratation…so ground them into powder.
-The taste of raw almond is nice and delicate. Nevertheless, if you prefer the taste of the Chinese almond milk add bitter almond essence. If you want the taste of commercial almond milk, you need vanilla essence, and more honey or sweetener. The “horchata” taste is orange blossom water, vanilla, cinnamon (many recipes). If you cook the milk, add the flavoring after cooking.
-Honey is not compulsory, but adding a small amount to the water of dry fruit (or even rice) when you rehydrate them improves dramatically the flavor.

(total milk + rest of almond powder if you filter)
Cal 110.7 F8.4g C6.2g P3.2g

What would be the calories of the milk only and the grounds only ? No idea.

Fr :
Lait d’amandes rapide

Temps de preparation :
2 minutes (15 minutes mini de temps de trempage recommande)

Instruments :
Un mixer a bol
Un filtre a cafe

Ingredients :
15 g poudre d’amandes
1 cc de miel (7 g)
essences de vanille, amandes amere, eau de fleur d’oranger, cannelle… (fac.)

Mettre la poudre d’amande, le miel et un verre d’eau dans le mixer. Mixer 15 secondes. Laisser reposer. Ajouter les glacons si vous en voulez. Mixez encore 30 secondes.
Vous pouvez utiliser le lait ainsi pour cuisiner ou melanger a vos cereales, mais il a un gout de poudre quand on le boit. Filtrez-le avec filtre a cafe. Le reste de poudre peut etre ajouter a d’autres recettes (pains, gateaux, pesto, sauces, epices…)

Rem :
-Des amandes crues effilees, entieres (mondees ou non) peuvent etre utilisees mais le temps de trempage est de plusieurs heures. Donc il vaut mieux les moudre.
-Le miel est facultatif mais il ameliore le gout des fruits secs, et meme su riz, si on en met un peu dans le liquide de rehydratation.
-Les laits d’amandes commerciaux et orgeats sont aromatises, et souvent tres sucres… Si vous en voulez, ajoutez les essences a la fin, si vous cuisez, apres cuisson.