Eternel fraisier

Voila !
It’s not the season, but freezers make strawberries available year round. They don’t look so nice on the sides. But it’s really good !

It’s this month Daring Baker’s Challenge.
Jana of Cherry Tea Cakes was our July Daring Bakers’ host and she challenges us to make Fresh Frasiers.

Freshly baked genoise cake.
Click for my recipe (very simple).

It was easy to slice it in 2 and punch with a mix of water and raspberry liquor.

Closer ?

Here you are. The cream is creme mousseline :
standard custard creme patissiere (milk, egg, sugar, vanilla, cornstarch) + unsalted butter (softened with fork).
Proportion is 2:1.

2 thoughts on “Eternel fraisier

  1. I wish that I had time this month to take part in this challenge, yours looks so pretty! I’m sure that it tasted great with those springtime strawberries!

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