Cinderella cakes


Very simple, fresh, fruity… The story is not about a pumpkin transformed into a princess car, but it’s very similar.


栗黄金 kurikogane (chestnut yellow gold potato) is the princess of sweet potatoes. It is cultivated in Kagoshima, Kyushu. It’s very sweet and flavorful. They make high quality shochu liquor with it.


This potato just need a few strokes of magic fork to become half a dozen of little cakes.


Very few ingredient :
-a delicious baked sweet potato
-1/2 lemon
-coconut cream
-vanilla powder


Mold the cake with hot potato (mashed + lemon juice), let cool and take out of molds. Then whip the cream, add vanilla.


Ready !



Okara carrot cupcakes

Are not my little cakes cute ? Hey, I have to eat vegetables…
They are healthy carrot cakes.

I was usually using egg to make ok’cake (made with okara tofu fiber, click here for more). Not this time, so they are egg free and vegan, if that matters.

Very simple, just mix : 1 cup of steamed finely grated carrot, 1 cup of okara. 2 tbs of coconut cream. 1/2 cup of juice carrot with a little water. 2 tbs of potato starch for binding. Kurozato black sugar, cake spices. Then into 4 cup cake molds. I shaped the bulk as they don’t grow bigger when they cook. They even slightly shrink.

The baked cakes. I took them out of molds after 20 minutes and continued 20 minutes after putting them upside down, so they dried better. Then I poured a little lemon juice on top and let cool.

The icing is coconut cream (from a can) with vanilla powder and a little sugar.