Pichade lazy


Tonight, a good pichade. Lazy because I was too lazy to walk to the shop and get yeast for the dough. And I used a machine…


Tchak, tchak…lots of onions.


In the home-bakery (the jam program).


On dough with 1/2 whole wheat flour, it is made with baking powder.


Baked. It’s different with yeast, but this version is nice too.


A l’Est : la pichade

Pizza ? Nearly. It’s a red pissaladiere.
You have seen the white version last week. Then I wanted a red one.

If you love tomato, onions and bread, that’s the best thing under the sun and on the beach.

It’s little name is pichade (say “peesha”).

You can’t see the anchovies. They melt in the sauce.

I love the crust, so I trimmed it all around… later I reheated that square.