Summer inari-zushi

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Inari is the type of sushi contained in a sweetly soaked pouch of fried tofu. The pronunciation is Zushi in this word, inarizushi.
With season produce, they make a pleasant plant-based lunch.

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I told you that so far the rainy season was a dry one, but that’s changing as we are reaching the end : It rains seriously !

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I bought this. 油揚げ, abura age. They are slices of tofu, deep-fried.

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Cut and they become little bags to contain your sushi.


My rice is a mix of mochigome (sticky rice) and genmai (brown rice) . Flavored with kurosu (black rice vinegar), very little salt and grated carrot.

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I rinsed the abura age pouches with hot water to eliminate the excess of oil, then simmered them in a little sweet broth (shoyu soy sauce, kurozato black sugar, chili pepper and laurel). I don’t want mine too sweet.
Toppings : edamame fresh soy beans, fresh sweet corn, sweet green chili, carrot.

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Served with kaiware daikon sprouts.

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Kibinago no nanban-zuke (fishbait in sour marinade)


Second visit of kibinago fish bait.

南蛮づけ nanban zuke. It’s fried fish, then marinated in a sour sauce. The result is very light on the stomach.


kibinago (silver stripe round herring) are these small mini-fish, often to small to cut them. Perfect for frying.
Wash the fish and drain well water. Sprinkle black pepper and chili pepper or other spices (optional).


Heat frying oil. Pass the fish in potato starch, fry them.


The fried fish, onion, carrot, ginger (grated) a chili pepper.


For the sauce : 1/2 cup water, 2 tbs mirin, 1 tbs soy sauce, 2 tbs sake brought to a boil. Then add 4 tbs of black rice vinegar. Pour on fish and veggies. Cover. Let 30 minutes minimum. I prefer overnight.


The next day.


Renkon (lotus root) in black vinegar with ginger. Green beans and edamame in yuzu citrus juice.


Genmai (brown rice) and miso soup with wakame seaweed.


Black vinegar bell peppers on polenta, and garlic tofu dices



The sourness and crispiness of the veggies contrasts with the soft heaviness and sweetness of the polenta…


Yellow and red paprika peppers, and green sweet long chili. With a young onion, I made a stir-fry, flavored with garlic and olive oil.


Soft polenta (microwaved).


I cooked the tofu with the veggies before making the sauce, it’s nicely flavored with garlic. Added dry chili pepper (fried together with the tofu), black pepper, paprika powder and salt on top.


The sauce is soy sauce, black rice vinegar, a pinch of sugar and a little potato starch. Sweet and sour.


Polenta + veggies.


+ tofu.
= a happy stomach.



Sesame sweet and sour tofu


Tasty tofu. Good tofu is tasty. A tasty tofu dish.
I don’t like when people say “it’s a recipe for people that don’t like such ingredient”. If you don’t like tofu, there is no obligation to eat some. But,but… Let’s say this is a recipe that makes tofu taste and feel differently. It is marinated and prepared in a Chinese style sauce.


It’s very firm momendoufu (cotton tofu). I’ve put a plate on the block during 15 minutes to squeeze out excess water.
Cut, and mixed with a marinade (1 tbs soy sauce, a pinch of sugar, 2 tbs Chinese wine, 1/2 ts wuxi 5 spices mix) and let 1/2 hour.
Then I passed the cubes in a plate of potato starch and stir-fried till golden.


For the sauce :
Heat 1 tbs of sugar (here kurozato black cane sugar), when it’s getting into caramel.
On lower heat, add in water, paprika powder or paste, grated garlic, the rest of the plate of starch and the plate of marinade.
Stir till it takes texture. Add some black rice vinegar. Check salt, add chili pepper to taste, more water if you want.
Reheat the tofu in the sauce.


Top with a little fragrant sesame oil and toasted sesame seeds.


As a side a salad of lettuce, onion, parsley and umi-budo “sea grapes”.

DSC00119-003 umi-budo (more here)


Served with genmai (brown rice).


Tofu, natto and green caviar…



A very nutritious and delicious Okinawan style dish. It’s plant based, and easy to prepare… if you have the ingredients.
Well, go and fish that green caviar sea weed :

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It’s very firm momendoufu (cotton tofu). I have pressed it with plate, slightly to extract excess water. The natto (fermented soy beans) is mixed with mustard and black rice vinegar. Around, you see bits of negi whites and shishito green pepper.
