Bubbles and bubbles, hot + cold appetizers


Chilled verrines. And red cheddar gougères.
Appetizers, but this set could make a whole lunch.



Simple classics, always appreciated.



Easter hanami bento


A lunch to bring outside.


In a park… with cherry blossoms.


There are kyaraben (decorated bento) artists that produce masterpieces. I admire them, but that’s not for me.
I just tried to make it thematic colorful, thematic and tasty, without spending the night making it.


Mixed rice (brown and sticky), with green peas, and ninnikunome (garlic stalks) as a fence.


Shrimps and edamame marinated in yuzu juice.


Spring salad : spring onion, potato, parsley, turmeric.
I made both it the night before. It’s a salad that gets better when longly marinated. The ideal bento food.
For decoration : Blossoms of daikon radish.


Not very visible : small pies of potatoes flavored with miso and sakekasu (leftovers). Blossoms of carrots.
Desserts : A kumquat. Easter eggs.


The full menu.


Out there. Yes, an additional dessert, torta di riso (see here). The truth is that was too much. After the bento, I didn’t want to eat the cake, but I’ve eaten it later, for tea.


Spring festival : here is the roll…

Spring chrysanthemum Spring rolls !

Still celebrating the Lunar New Year with food… Well this week is really busy, with also Carnival and Valentine. But this food is lighter and refreshing.

Let’s prepare the ingredients :

Rice paper.

Shungiku (young chrysanthemum greens), carrot, shrimps (boiled), onion (blanched).

Ground sesame.

Bean sprouts (blanched).

The dip : sweet chili sauce, rice vinegar and sesame.

It’s complete.

Let’s roll them…

The chrysanthemum and the soba. A bridge over the years…

This blog is pacifist, throw away the sword, fight with soba noodles. As every year, I’ve eaten these noodles to pass safely into the next year. You need some kind of rope to retain you in case you’d fall in that calendar gap…
Well that’s not as if I need a pretext to eat soba, it’s more that I won’t miss any.

More Japanese New Year traditions here…/a>

Well the chrysanthemum is the symbol of the Imperial family, thus of Japan… And it’s season food. You have seen some on sashimi plates probably. Leaves are called shungiku (Spring chrysanthemum) are available in this season to add to hot pots.

This type has particularly wide leaves.

They make so big discounts on fresh soba on the last day that I had enough for a decade. I could remake some in daylight for photos.

This year’s ingredients. There are often shrimps in New Year dishes.

The noodles are boiled apart. The shrimps and shungiku greens poached in tsuyu (dashi, mirin, soy sauce). Then add the colorful stuff on top :

Yummy !

Arròs negre, black is the new rice…

That’s another style, the black paella. But it’s called arròs negre meaning black rice. The color is of course calamari ink.

other paella posts

I’ve used brown rice and made it small size in a pie dish. That dish was too thin to go directly on my induction stove, it was starting to melt… so I have placed it on the cast iron plancha.

That’s how I made it. I used a dose of nero di sepia (bought) and the juice that got out of the seafood as broth.
That’s slow food… like 3 hours of cooking on low heat.

The rice is cooked. It didn’t take the color as much as polished rice would.

I added the topping put on high heat to get the bottom crust.

Sweet red pepper to contrast the color.

The seafood is nothing great, a frozen mix (shrimp, clams, calamari) so I’ve stir-fried in olive oil with paprika and turmeric till crispy.
