Mitsuba and Spring roll du jour


Hot weather is back and Spring roll addiction too. They are never exactly the same. Is there a more convenient way to eat a large variety of raw vegetables ?


三つ葉 mitsuba means “3 leaves” in Japanese. It’s a very common herb here. I’d say it’s Japanese coriander. It is not so strong, it’s different but if you ate some you’d think about coriander or cilantro.
It is not great to cook it, so it’s added to salads, to garnish a soup.


The base is grated Japanese turnip, with some leaves. I’ve let it a while and squeezed excess water.


Gochujang (Korean spicy miso) + natto.




Quick rolls for hanami


Mission : you have 10 minutes to throw a hanami (cherry blossom viewing) lunch.


Pick stuff in the fridge. Clean and cut if needed.


A cheezy sauce : miso, sakekasu, rice vinegar.
There were still crumbs of sesame in the mixer.


Wrap everything in rice paper. I usually keep the sauce out and I let one side open, but this style is more convenient to transport.


Pack with leaves of spinach. And a thermos of tea.
Go to the blossoms…


Find a comfy tree trunk and enjoy lunch.


Spring festival : here is the roll…

Spring chrysanthemum Spring rolls !

Still celebrating the Lunar New Year with food… Well this week is really busy, with also Carnival and Valentine. But this food is lighter and refreshing.

Let’s prepare the ingredients :

Rice paper.

Shungiku (young chrysanthemum greens), carrot, shrimps (boiled), onion (blanched).

Ground sesame.

Bean sprouts (blanched).

The dip : sweet chili sauce, rice vinegar and sesame.

It’s complete.

Let’s roll them…

Refreshing food : Spring bouquet with Chinese sauce

Green raw Spring rolls du jour. I made many to munch one by one during the hot afternoon.

Just natto and veggies.

Chinese black vinegar was used for the sauce.

It also contains ginger pickles, new onion, sesame oil, sesame seeds and chili pepper seeds.

Watery veggies and a sour sauce… that makes you forget the heavy weather.

Le rouleau de printemps du jour : crevettes, estragon et matcha miso (shrimp, tarragon and green tea miso)

I know that looks weird, but that tasted really great. I’ll make it again.
It seems the soup series will be replaced by the fresh Spring rolls, AKA rouleau de printemps in my native dialect. I have a big pad of rice paper, maybe 500 pages, so you’ll see more in future.

Shrimps, boiled and refreshed on ice-cubes.

Negi leeks and tarragon.

With mungo bean sprouts, rolled inside rice paper.

Voila !

So that’s the UFO. It’s not water from Mars. I simply mixed chunky white miso, rice vinegar and matcha (green tea powder).

You could think the encounter of shrimp, negi, tarragon, miso and matcha is explosive in taste. Sure, it was. Like fireworks. Really pleasant.

Yuzu tofu, with kinome. I have a little tree with these leaves, I’ll show you soon. This pair was great too.

Another Spring fun meal, ready in a few minutes.